The altarpiece of San Giobbe - Giovanni Bellini
Giovanni Bellini - The altarpiece of San Giobbe
By using Photoshop, I repositioned the Altarpiece in its original place and the result is truly amazing.
Only Giovanni Bellini, with his long familiarity with the art of Mantegna (they were brothers-in-law, by the way) could tackle a spatial problem of this magnitude, namely the architectural function of a painting at the bottom of a chapel.
The problems of perspective, of the relationship between architected space / painting / real space are brilliantly resolved here, and the Altarpiece perfectly blends into reality.
Painted in 1487, this masterpiece appears, from an architectural point of view, a tribute to Leon Battista Alberti.
Once again, in the realistic “concertino” at the foot of the throne, in the different posture of the saints, in the portrait that is the head of the Virgin, Giovanni Bellini shows his novelty as a narrator.